Use "object|objects" in a sentence

1. Note on Editionable Objects A GRANT operation to grant object privileges on an editionable object Actualizes the object in the current edition

2. This constructor exists for use by the Policy object instantiate new Permission objects.

3. In computing, Microsoft 's ActiveX Data Objects (Ado) comprises a set of Component Object Model (COM) objects for accessing data sources

4. A Comparator object is capable of comparing two objects of two different classes

5. The first pane (12) includes a plurality of objects, each object including a control object defined to call up a static method upon activation of the object.

6. Objects dominated (retained by) another object can be said to be owned by that dominator.

7. Ambry is a distributed object store that supports storage of trillion of small immutable objects (50K -100K) as well as billions of large objects

8. What's worse, many people think that Anemic objects are real objects, and thus completely miss the point of what object-oriented design is all about.

9. Using object replication, it automatically generates duplicate versions of objects on multiple disks with negligible overheads.

10. This invention provides systems, apparatus and methods for object management, employing agents for all personal computer objects.

11. The asset is the heart of the system, the object with which the other objects are associated.

12. 8 The appropriateness depends on the objects,[] lying in the relationship between the subject and object.

13. A category with Biproducts is a category with zero object and Biproducts for every pair of objects

14. Messier object List of Messier objects New General Catalogue List of planetary nebulae "M 76 – Planetary Nebula".

15. The Configuration object is a container object that is designed to hold value objects to make values used in Tools or any model using Scripts more accessible

16. Such systems were known as object libraries, or distributed objects, if they supported remote access (not all did).

17. Place a soft object between his head and the floor, and move sharp objects away from his head.

18. Object program requests are preferably combined with parameters for selectively adjusting the definitions and actuation of the objects.

19. While creating objects or changing their size, after pressing Option Alt key, the object will be centricly constructed

20. Out of the box, Colander can serialize and deserialize various types of objects, including: A mapping object (e.g

21. Accusative object), and probably at least a couple that still take genitive objects, if anybody still uses them

22. Arrays are a special type of objects. The typeof operator in JavaScript returns "object" for Arrays

23. The Centroid of a cluster of objects can be imagined as the type-object of the cluster, whether that object actually exists or is only a mathematical construct

24. Colorless objects An object (a card or spell) with no colored mana symbols in their mana costs is Colorless

25. In object-oriented programming, computer programs are designed by making them out of objects that interact with one another.

26. The sensorimotor child is initially egocentric in that he lacks differentiation between the self as an object and other objects.

27. The base class for objects that are used to describe the Bounds of a node or other scene graph object

28. The base class for objects that are used to describe the Bounds of a node or other scene graph object

29. A thread-Affinitized COM object 139 receives a message from 129 via 140 and sends it up the stack, through server side interprocess communication objects 135 to the destination object 131

30. Human beings possess the ability to experience subjectively the objects in their environment and themselves as an object in it.

31. It is by definition a complex object, and all complex objects are explicable as logical constructions out of logically simple elements.

32. What does Accession mean? The definition of Accession is the process of taking one object and placing it with other objects

33. Assembling Objects (AO) Below are a few sample questions for the Assembling Objects portion of the ASVAB, focused on the ability to determine how an object will look when its parts are put together

34. Let’s call a category with a zero object and where every pair of objects has a biproduct a category with finite Biproducts

35. A Curio is a small object that’s unusual, novel, or interesting, typically one that’s part of a collection of other such objects

36. The paper questions the traditional classification of nominal objects and the congruity between the individual members in the set of place object.

37. Drawing three-dimensional objects is quite difficult, but for computers the task is almost as easy as drawing a two dimensional object.

38. When a person sees the objects via pair of binoculars, it increases the size of that object, called the binoculars’ mAgnification power.

39. Aggregation, the "has a" relationship, is just that - it shows that the aggregating object has one of the aggregated objects

40. Through a complicated series of substitutions this lost object of primordial fusion with another has been translated into objects of current desire.

41. An Any object is used as a component of a NamedValue object, which provides information about arguments or return values in requests, and which is used to define name/value pairs in Context objects

42. Another open source PDF transformer called iText (see Resources) uses an object-oriented approach and provides Java objects to render the PDF documents.

43. An “Accession” typically refers to an object or a group of objects (a “lot”) acquired at the same time from the same source

44. 1 Also Called 2 Capabilities 3 Applications 4 Associations 5 Limitations 6 Known Objects Entity Circling Object Circling The user can circle around other people or objects easily, even when they or the target are moving

45. A Constructor is a member function of a class that is called for initializing objects when we create an object of that class.

46. Condition factors out the Object monitor methods (wait, notify and notifyAll) into distinct objects to give the effect of having multiple wait-sets per object, by combining them with the use of arbitrary Lock implementations

47. An understanding of the quantum version of an algebraic object can often reveal deep insight into both the original and closely related objects.

48. The individual environment setup includes a list of data objects possessed by the user and access information on each data object in the list.

49. An absolute phase or a true object distance Dj from the at least two objects is determined from the distribution of the counter readings.

50. The nautical bike is the floating object, Appertaining to the group of the floating objects intended to the recreation, entertainment and sports on the water

51. Under Common Law, Corporeal hereditaments are physical objects encompassed in land, including the land itself and any tangible object on it, that can be inherited

52. Appropriation, similar to found object art is "as an artistic strategy, the intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images, objects, and ideas"

53. Clone creates a copy of an object and all of its descendants, ignoring all objects that are not Instance/ArchivableArchivable.The copy of the root object is returned by this function and its Instance/ParentParent is set to nil.

54. Get_Aweek() generates an Aweek object from a week number get_date() converts a week number to a date as.Aweek() converts dates, characters, and factors to Aweek objects

55. This is compatible with the claim that an objects properties, including its intrinsical, no relational properties may change through time while it remains the same object.

56. 6 The successfulness of project implementation is closely related to the implemented object, therefore, the selection of objects is crucial to the success of the project.

57. Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D

58. Buoyancy is the force that causes objects to float. It is the force exerted on an object that is partly or wholly immersed in a fluid

59. Buoy, floating object anchored at a definite location to guide or warn mariners, to mark positions of submerged objects, or to moor vessels in lieu of anchoring

60. More importantly, these objects will be connected with other objects.

61. In mathematics, Addition, represented by the symbol +, is an operation which combines two mathematical objects together into another mathematical object of the same type, called the sum

62. The downside of object-oriented design is that such business objects can become muddied with mixed properties and operations that are incongruent with the object's original intent.

63. Compares this Byte object to another object.

64. Object: The object case also has two allomorphs.

65. Category theory deals with abstract objects and morphisms between those objects.

66. The prosecution objects!

67. Objects not inserted

68. POV-Ray # objects

69. Our dataset, named Cater, is rendered synthetically using a library of standard 3D objects, and tests the ability to recognize compositions of object movements that require long-term reasoning

70. An architecture and method for managing at least two distinct machines (or objects) in which resources are shared as a single entity (or object) in an agent-based system.

71. As civilisation evolved painters noted that near objects can overlap distant objects.

72. Direct object, indirect object or an object of a preposition are in the Accusative case

73. They allow us to create 3D objects that we can scale, move and animate in the global coordinate system while being able to view the object from any angle.

74. For, instance, inanimate objects are typically easier to identify than animate objects.

75. Public object Clone (); abstract member Clone : unit -> obj Public Function Clone As Object Returns Object

76. Either one, two, or three pairs of source points and definition points can be specified to move, rotate, or tilt the selected objects, Aligning them with points on another object

77. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view.

78. Adjective brittle comparative brittler superlative Brittlest 1) a) a brittle substance or object is hard and can easily break into pieces Don't pack fragile or brittle objects in your suitcase.

79. Object advertising

80. Azure PowerShell Context objects